This leaves every step charged with potential energy once you’ve hit the bottom. It’s usually wasted energy, but these energy- recycling stairs take advantage of those forces using a spring- loaded mechanism that compresses each step and locks it down as you descend. You probably don’t stop to think about it while you race down a flight of stairs, but your body expends a considerable amount of energy in the process to prevent you from falling. In a paper published today in the journal PLOS ONE, that team details their energy- recycling stairs, which store energy when you descend, and then release it to make the ascent easier on the way back up. But thanks to engineers at Georgia Tech and Emory University, stairs might one day do all the hard work for you. No one would fault you-having to climb even just a single flight of stairs is like being forced to workout against your will. Do you deliberately avoid visiting friends who live in multi- story buildings without an elevator? Are you looking for a new Mobility Scooter owners manual, user guide for your mobility scooter?īrilliant Staircase Design Stores Extra Energy to Make It Easier to Climb Later.

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